Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Pinghe Rd School 22°33’40.1″N – 120°20’09.2″E Year: 2023 2023 Asia Kaohsiung City Taiwan Interested in this work?Each photograph holds a story, a moment, and a perspective waiting to connect with you. If you’re interested in learning more or inquiring about a piece, I’d love to hear from you directly. E-mail Me Other courts AsiaVictoria Park Basketball Courts, Hongkong AsiaKai Yip Rd., Hongkong AsiaBlake Gardens, Hongkong AsiaTin Chiu Street Playground, Hongkong AsiaTonghe West Street, Taipei City AsiaPinghe Rd School, Kaohsiung City AsiaFirst MacArthur Bridge, Taipei City AsiaBarili Rd, Carcar City AsiaCebu S Rd, Cebu AsiaTagbilaran East Road, Bohol AsiaBan Mae Lua School, Phrae AsiaSt. Thomas’ Primary School, Kuching (2) Back to courts overview Back to courts overview Back to courts overview Back to courts overview